In October 2009, Eric Topol shared that more has been learned about the underpinnings of disease in the last two and a half years than in the history of man. He shared this at TEDMED, an annual 3 day event with the mission to, "help America and the world understand the great challenges of health and medicine, connect the right people and inspire the leadership we need."
Eric Topol is a leading cardiologist who has embraced the study of genomics and the latest advances in technology to treat chronic disease.
Eric Topol says we'll soon use our smartphones to monitor our vital signs and chronic conditions. At TEDMED, he highlights several of the most important wireless devices in medicine's future -- all helping to keep more of us out of hospital beds.
He identifies many digital wireless devices that he suggests have already changed, and will continue to revolutionize, the way we address consumer driven healthcare. Some of those devices include:
GE's Handheld ultrasound - Vscan™ is a handheld visualization tool based on ultrasound technology providing black and white anatomic and color-coded blood flow images in realtime. It can easily be integrated into physical examinations allowing physicians to add a visual inspection into the body.
Vscan is optimized for clinicians who want a quick inspection of the heart, abdominal organs and urinary bladder and will provide insights into areas of OB/GYN, pleural fluid and motion detection and pediatrics.
iRhythm's Zio Patch - The Zio™ Patch is a breakthrough technology designed to improve the diagnosis of cardiac arrhythmias. It provides up to 14 days of continuous recording, which increases the likelihood of capturing abnormal heart rhythms.
Corventis PiiX - Corventis believes that medical device, wireless and information technologies can be harnessed to enable early detection and timely treatment of cardiovascular events...without impacting patient lifestyle. PiiX is a wearable device that automatically connects and wirelessly transmits phisological data. Designed for patient comfort, PiiX is lightweight, leadless and water-resistent to support continuous use.
Nike + ipod - Take Nike + iPod to the gym and minute by minute, mile by mile, you’re motivated by more than music. Connect your iPod to your cardio machine. Record your pace, time, and distance as you work out. Your iPod wirelessly sends workout data to from wherever you are on the road. So right after your run, you can track your progress and analyze your performance.
Zeo Sleep Manager - Each morning, Zeo shows you how you really slept, including your time in REM and Deep sleep. Discover how changing lifestyle factors can help you improve your sleep. Take control of your sleep tonight and feel your best.
and Philips' DirectLife - The slow, step-by-step program starts by tracking how much you move every day. We’ll help you set goals and track your progress. We’ll make suggestions about how to increase your activity levels at your own pace, and provide you a personal coach who can help you stay motivated. It’s a program you can stick to for the long term, because it’s custom built for you.
These devices are fascinating. Although I love the idea of being aware that all my parts (heart, lungs, brain) are working efficiently, I would hate to feel the anxiety that comes when one of these sounds an irregular alarm. And what if it just turns out to be a glitch in the device itself? I'm not sure if the pros outweigh the cons here.